Reading Journal: A Sound of Thunder, by Ray Bradbury (1952)

Rating: 8/10

 A Sound of Thunder was my initial experience of Bradbury's works. The fact that the story was written several decades ago worried me, but this concern vanished at once. This story was easy enough to read through smoothly, while it was also profound enough to have something to think about. Focusing on the "butterfly effect" throughout the story, the author introduced a new approach to 'time travel'. I've only had experiences of reading time travel stories that repeat the same sentence like "Don't interact with yourself in the past", but never read a story concerning how a tiny change in the past will greatly affect the future(or the present). This story straightforwardly showed how ONE footstep accidentally made in the past completely changed the style of life in the present, such as a change in spelling of the words(TIME to TYME, TAKE to TAEK, etc.). It was a sensation for me to experience a brand new viewpoint that I had never thought about. The text also required some deliberation about types of heroes, as a variety of characters with different traits appeared in the story. I think A Sound of Thunder was a decent choice to start World Lit class.


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